Channel: Baghdad – CatholicHerald.co.uk
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Morning Catholic must-reads: 01/11/10


A total of 52 hostages, including three priests, were killed yesterday after Iraqi security forces attempted to free Mass-goers held by suspected al-Qaeda gunmen at a Catholic church in Baghdad.

Benedict XVI said that God excludes no one from his mercy during his Angelus address yesterday (full text, video).

Some 75 victims of clerical abuse took part in the “Reformation Day” event near the Vatican on Sunday night (John Allen’s analysis).

The Pope held a question-and-answer session with 100,000 young people on Saturday (full text).

In his new book-length interview with Benedict XVI, Peter Seewald asks the Pope whether he has ever considered resigning and whether there should be a Third Vatican Council.

The Pontiff will commit the Vatican to implementing European Union laws against money laundering, the European Commission has said.

Belgian Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard has promised to make no public remarks until Christmas following a series of controversies.

Archbishop George Lucas of Omaha has written a letter to the Lay Companions of the recently suppressed Hermit Intercessors of the Lamb.

Cardinal John Foley has said that Catholic schools are the Church’s greatest contribution to peace in the Holy Land.

The first 40 Days for Life event held in London ended yesterday.

Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi has dedicated his weekly reflection to the Synod of Bishops for the Middle East.

A Spanish printer is refusing to release copies of a comic satirising Benedict XVI.

And a dinosaur skull has been found embedded in marble in the Cathedral of St Ambrose in Vigevano, outside Milan.

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