Cover Story…
Fr Douglas Al-Bazi tells Robert Ewan how he survived nine days of torture in Baghdad
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England’s Catholic shrines are crying out for restoration, says Fr Marcus Holden
Fr Raymond de Souza says the Vatican has quietly cast aside John Paul II’s economic wisdom
Available exclusively in the magazine and on the online app…
Madeleine Teahan explores if foreign priests the answer to Britain’s vocations crisis?
Leszek Werenowski explains how feuding families can avoid a £200,000 bill
Melissa Kite rescues a toddler on the Tube
Cardinal Vincent Nichols on the icon that will never fail to lift your spirits
Fr Benoît Vermander says Western media miss the truth about Catholic life in China
Mary Kenny on the day her friend became a communist
Jenny McCartney watches Ibsen run wild in rural Australia
How often should you go to Confession? Just ask the saints, says Francis Phillips
Pastor Iuventus on the dying lesson of a much-loved priest
Corpus Christi processions are suddenly thriving, notes John Gilhooly
Fr Ronald Rolheiser on why you can have deep faith and still die in fear
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